Soft and lovely eye pillow to soothe body aches and pains. Outer cover is soft cotton flannel that is removable and washable. Inner pillow is solid cotton fabric that is filled with lavender bud (lavandula X-Intermedia, Grosso) for fragrance and flax seed to hold temperature and for weight. Available in cover designs including green/blue flannel, red/white flannel, or blue bears enjoying the starry night sky.
Contents: Fill: 3/4 flax seed, 1/4 lavender bud, cotton fabric.
Tips and Cautions:
Eye pillow may be microwaved for warmth (10 second increments only!) or frozen for cold (in plastic bag to stay dry).
Do not overheat or microwave too long as you may scorch the lavender & flax.
Be sure to keep the inner lavender & flax pillow dry to avoid mildew.
The cotton flannel sleeve may be removed from the pillow and washed.
You can add a drop of essential oil to the inner pillow after microwaving if you’d like a stronger scent.